Apr 162012
  • Tuesday, May 1, 2012
    12:00pm until 1:30pm
  • NSW farmers, conservationists, wine growers, horse breeders, Stop CSG groups, GetUp, the NCC, PLUS the Country Womens Association are decending on Sydney to protest the NSW Government’s open slather approach to Coal Seam Gas and irresponsible mining.The NSW Government’s policy fails to rule out one inch of NSW to the CSG or mining interests – breaking a clear election promise.

    Let’s make sure city folk stand up with our regional sisters and brothers, standing together before it’s too late!

    Meet Martin Place between Phillip and Elizabeth Sts, march to NSW Parliament.

Rally: Protect our land and water, Stop CSG! | Facebook

Saving the Kimberley. Our land or Gasland? | What’s On – City Of Sydney

Find out why saving the Kimberley from gas and industrialisation matters in Sydney and across NSW.

 Posted by at 3:31 pm

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