Sep 272016

Hi everyone,

Can you believe Australia discards almost 48 million old tyres each year? Only 16 per cent are currently recycled. The rest end up in landfill, stockpiled, illegally dumped or shipped overseas.

The good news is the Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme has been set up to tackle this huge issue. The main objectives of the scheme are:

  • Increasing resource recovery and recycling
  • Minimising the environmental and health and safety impacts
  • Developing Australia’s tyre recycling industry and markets for tyre derived products.

You can help support the scheme by dealing with Tyre Stewardship Accredited suppliers. This will ensure your old tyres are recycled in the most environmentally sustainable way.

Look for the logo or go to our website to find your nearest supplier:

Source: RoyalAuto, Aug-16, pg 39, TyreStewardship Australia

Supporting a Tyre Stewardship Accredited supplier is a good thing to do for our environment next time you need to replace your old tyres.

Many thanks


Resource Management Specialist,

 Posted by at 1:43 pm

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