Apr 262012
Get informed about sustainability
ATA webinar — Retrofitting your home for energy efficiency

This is the third in the Alternative Technology Association’s series of free online presentations to share practical knowledge about energy efficiency, sustainable building and water conservation at home. It introduces a range of techniques and products to help retrofit your house for better energy efficiency, such as LED lighting, draught proofing, window coverings, insulation and secondary glazing.

 Posted by at 4:36 pm
Apr 032012


Renewable energy news and events; and a database of renewable energy power plants in Australia and New Zealand

Aussie Renewables is part of Biz2030 Pty Ltd and is based in Sydney, Australia. Aussie Renewables was designed by Mary Hendriks and Peter Thorogood to inspire creative thinking about the way in which we use energy, water and resources.

 Posted by at 12:53 pm