Australian Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM) Climate Updates
A list of news and information curated for Climate Change. Get the news from the source when the media says things that just do not seem correct.
Australian Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM) Climate Updates
A list of news and information curated for Climate Change. Get the news from the source when the media says things that just do not seem correct.
After thousands of Australians chipped in to Australia’s biggest crowd-funding campaign, the abolished Climate Commission has relaunched as the new, independent Climate Council.
We exist to provide independent, authoritative climate change information to the Australian public. Why? Because our response to climate change should be based on the best science available.
We’re a fast growing group of people made up of expert Councillors, staff, volunteers and supporters. Together we are doing everything we can to spread independent and accurate information on climate change.
We need nature in our lives more than ever today, and as more of us are living in cities it must be urban nature. Biophilic Cities are cities that contain abundant nature; they are cities that care about, seek to protect, restore and grow this nature, and that strive to foster deep connections and daily contact with the natural world. Nature is not something optional, but absolutely essential to living a happy, healthy and meaningful life. This site is devoted to understanding how cities can become more biophilic, more full of nature, and to telling the stories of the places and people working to creatively build these urban-nature connections.
Biophilia is a term popularized by Harvard University myrmecologist and conservationist E.O. Wilson to describe the extent to which humans are hard-wired to need connection with nature and other forms of life. More specifically, Wilson describes it this way: “Biophilia…is the innately emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms. Innate means hereditary and hence part of ultimate human nature.” (Wilson, 1993, p.31). To Wilson biophia is really a “complex of learning rules” developed over thousands of years of evolution and human-environment interaction.
Evidence of the emotional and psychological benefits of nature is mounting and impressive (research shows its ability to reduce stress, to aid recovery from illness, to enhance cognitive skills and academic performance, to aid in moderating the effects of ADHD, autism and other child illnesses). Recent research suggests even that we are more generous in the presence of nature; all these values are in addition to the immense economic value of the ecological services provided by natural systems.
Support for the practice of biophilic design has been growing and there are now many exemplary examples of buildings that seek to integrate natural features and qualities. We recognize the need for biophilic workplaces, for healing gardens and spaces in hospitals, and for homes and apartments that provide abundant daylight, natural ventilation, plants and greenery. Less attention, however, has been focused on the city or urban scale, despite the fact that the planet continues an inexorable trend in the direction of urbanization. Urban residents need nature more than ever, and much work is needed to find creative and effective means for incorporating it into urban environments.
It is likely that the benefits of close contact with nature are deeper and even more profound, and the potential to make a difference by integrating nature directly into our lives, even greater than we realize. Nature ought not to be an afterthought, and ought not to only be viewed in terms of the (considerable to be sure) functional benefits typically provided (benefits of trees, green rooftops, wetlands for managing stormwater, for mediating air and water pollutants, for addressing urban heat island effects, and so on). The elements of a deeper concept of integrating nature into everyday living include a recognition of some of the following:
Important Ties to Place. There are considerable place-strengthening benefits and place-commitments that derive from knowledge of local nature; from direct personal contact; enhanced knowledge, and deeper connections = greater stewardship, and willingness to take personal actions on behalf of place and home;
Connections and Connectedness. Caring for place and environment, essential for human wellbeing and in turn essential ingredient in caring for each other;
A Need for Wonder and Awe in Our Lives. Nature has the potential to amaze us, stimulate us, propel us forward to want to learn more and understand more fully our world; Nature adds a kind of wonder value to our lives unlike almost anything else;
Meaningful Lives Require Nature. The qualities of wonder and fascination, the ability to nurture deep personal connection and involvement, visceral engagement in something larger than and outside oneself, offer the potential for meaning in life few other things can provide;
Urbanists and city planners have special opportunities and unique obligations to advance biophilic city design, utilizing a variety of strategies and tools, applied on a number of geographical and governmental scales. The agenda is one that must extend beyond conventional urban parks, and beyond building-centric green design. It is about redefining the very essence of cities as places of wild and restorative nature, from rooftops to roadways to riverfronts. It is about understanding cities as places that already harbor much nature and places that can become, through bold vision and persistent practice, even greener and richer in the nature they contain.
What a biophilic city is or could be is an open question, and it is hoped that this website will help to stimulate discussion of this. As a tentative starting point I offer some of the following as key qualities of biophilic cities:
These are but a few of the ways a city might be seen as biophilic. What do you think? Are there other ways, and other important qualities or dimensions not listed above?
Check out Tim Beatley’s Imagining Biophilic Cities for more.
Hello my green-fingered friends! Sometimes, when trying to convince the unconverted that growing fruit and vegetables is possible in the city, composting is fun and going green and being nice to each other is the only sensible option facing humanity today, words are wholly insufficient and I, for one, can feel like a broken (and very boring) record.
Who is The Climate Institute?
Established in late 2005, The Climate Institute is a non-partisan, independent research organisation that works with community, business and government to catalyse and drive the change and innovation needed for a low pollution economy and culture.
Our vision is for a resilient Australia prospering in a low carbon global economy, participating fully and fairly in international climate change solutions.
Sunday, 11 September 2011 14:00
The current state of the climate policy debate has left many Australians and probably a few politicians confused and wrongly forecasting economic doom and gloom. A new series of fact sheets sets the record straight on a number of key myths and misconceptions in the climate policy debate. It’s time to move beyond the squabbling and sensationalism and look at the real challenges and opportunities of taking action.
Australia is a big polluter. We can have significant pollution reduction while growing jobs. And we are at no risk of leading the world in taking action. Instead, taking decisive action now will open up new clean energy opportunities, creating up to 34,000 new jobs in the electricity sector alone by 2030, and ensure our industries remain globally competitive as the world switches to cleaner energy and cleaner economies.
MYTH: Australia is not a significant polluter so there is no need for us to act.
MYTH: A price on pollution will not do anything to help the environment.
MYTH: A pollution price will see the demise of mining and other sectors. There will be massive job losses.
MYTH: Other countries aren’t acting so why should Australia move ahead of the rest of the world?
MYTH: If you have a pollution price then you don’t need other clean energy measures.
MYTH: Taking action to price pollution ahead of other countries will hurt Australia’s global competitiveness in the short-term.
MYTH: A pollution price is all we need to make us more energy efficient
MYTH: Putting a price on pollution won’t change behaviour.
MYTH: Scientists can’t agree. The jury is still out on whether climate change is real.
Find information in these areas: The Energy Efficiency Exchange website ( supports the implementation of energy efficiency practices within medium and high energy-using companies. It shares best practice information on energy efficiency, case studies and resource materials from Australia and overseas. will evolve as new information becomes available.
The Atlas of Living Australia provides tools to enable users of biodiversity information to find, access, combine and visualise data on Australian plants and animals
What is Streamwatch
Streamwatch is a long running water monitoring program run in partnership by Sydney Water and the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA). It supports local communities and schools across Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Illawarra and Southern Highland regions.
Environmental Monitoring, Community Science, Volunteering