May 212012

Green Street is designed and sponsored by people who believe grassroots action is needed so that we can live more sustainably.

When you signup to Green Street you will land on your very own profile page where you can calculate your Green Street Score and begin to network with others!

You will be able to see straight away if there is anyone else in your street already a part of Green Street.  You can also join groups with special interests and invite friends to link with you.


 Posted by at 12:29 pm
Apr 262012
Get informed about sustainability
ATA webinar — Retrofitting your home for energy efficiency

This is the third in the Alternative Technology Association’s series of free online presentations to share practical knowledge about energy efficiency, sustainable building and water conservation at home. It introduces a range of techniques and products to help retrofit your house for better energy efficiency, such as LED lighting, draught proofing, window coverings, insulation and secondary glazing.

 Posted by at 4:36 pm