Australia is one of the sunniest continents on earth, so producing power from the sun just makes sense.
1.4 million rooftop power stations are now lighting up homes around the country. And many more households are looking to solar as a way to manage their energy bills, creating cleaner energy along the way.
The solar rooftop revolution is happening at an astounding pace – the price of solar is plummeting, making solar more affordable than ever, and rates of uptake continue to rise rapidly.
But despite the many reasons to go solar, there are obstacles in our way. Some big energy companies don’t want to see Australians take back control of their own energy needs. They want to make connecting to solar harder, not easier.
What is Solar Citizens?
Solar Citizens is an independent community based organisation working to protect and grow solar in Australia. We advocate for the rights of more than 5 million solar owners and the millions more who wish to go solar.
We believe that when millions of solar owners and supporters stand together, we can be powerful. We run campaigns that use people power to put pressure on decision makers and bring about the best outcomes for solar owners and people who want solar.
We’re independent, meaning that we don’t support any one political party, company or organisation over another.
We’re a registered not-for-profit, relying on the generosity of our large donors and many hundreds of smaller individual donors to help us fund campaigns to protect and grow solar.
We support a vision of an Australia where a major portion of our electricity is generated from the sun, where the rights of solar owners are protected and where all Australians are able to install solar on their homes.
If you want to ensure your rights as a solar owner are protected or if you believe in a solar future for all Australians join Solar Citizens today.