Category Archives: Project News

The Habitat Project Phases

The Habitat Project Phases have being penciled out on our Wiki,  and a Project phase template is under development. The Project is in the Initial Design Phase with some work started in the Community engagement Phase.


Soon we will be letting you know how you can participate.

note: As of writing there is no content in each of the above project phase pages, content will appear progressively.

The Habitat and the Sustainable Systems Method

The Sustainable Systems method provides a way to identify new and innovative opportunities to make any systems in your sphere of Influence, more sustainable and Efficient.

A project of the sustainable Systems method can be applied from your fridge to a factory, your home, your car.

The Habitat Project will include multiple sustainable systems and features and thus provides an ideal opportunity to trial the Sustainable Systems method.  The Sustainable Systems method will thus be one of the principals under which The Habitat Project is guided by. More information will be made available in the wiki.

An Architect with Sustainable building experience has been engaged

An Architect with Sustainable building experience has been engaged to undertake the initial steps to  make a Sketch Design which entails finalisation of a brief of requirements, and an inspection of the property.

A review of Council and other Development policies that apply.

On development of this final concept a thermal comfort rating will be done aiming to achieve as high a thermal comfort rating as possible.

Of note is we will be attempting to place as little as possible detail on the “Blueprint” because we want to “Evolve” the structure with the help of participants.