1.a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion, especially in stock exchange dealing.“it has become fashionable to be a stock-market contrarian”
1.opposing or rejecting popular opinion or current practice.“the comment came more from a contrarian disposition than moral conviction”
Why we use the word “Contrarian”?
Why do we use the word contrarian, rather than “denier” when this is often the case?
Many people who will be listed here will in fact be deniers, this makes no reference to any other denial such as Holocaust denial, noun. Holocaust denial “the belief or assertion that the Holocaust did not happen or was greatly exaggerated”. Whilst may listed here may appear to be so we believe one needs to know the whole person before you try and describe the whole person. So we will use the term contrarian to denote they hold views which different from evidence, science, or accepted wisdom.
We also acknowledge the value of those who question the status quo, the business as usual or prevailing ideas. But we also maintain the maxim;
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Contrarians to almost all wisdom and science fall into this category because their claims usually need the almost total collapse of all arguments and evidence of the claims they wish to contradict. That is to sustain their argument they require extraordinary evidence and we see no plausible evidence of such.