Nov 192011

Sustainability News is a free service for you to share your groups news and events with more people. Especially people with common interests to you or your groups.

At the moment we are focusing on the Sydney Area.

Basically it allows you to place notices of your meetings or events only once, yet have these automatically forwarded to;

This means everyone can choose there favorite method of getting notices from you, and that of other groups sharing the same interests.

Sustainability News also has an Events list and Calendar, so followers can see whats on, when they have time to spare. You can even post your regular meeting times and details.

We will continue to find new ways to share your information to a broader audience, so you can sit back and relax, while your words find their way all over the internet.

To get started please add to you newsletter email list or email us with you questions. More details can be found here in a PDF document for Group communicators.

 Posted by at 8:46 pm

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