To all – An update on the Tree Planting weekend

What happened ?
The late notice certainly meant allot of people that wanted to come could not make it, however we got a few and had a very productive weekend. We had 7 people volunteering this weekend.

Just to prove tree planing can be a bit of a pushover 5 of us planted 320 trees in a few hours, three of us returning for an hour after lunch to give the trees a small drink to get them on their way.

Lunch was a wonderful social and Gourmet experience and we also drank our fill of cold drinks.

After watering the trees we had a sudden storm shower, fortunately only after we were already in shelter and it was exactly what the trees could use.

Some of us stayed together for dinner, another wonderful meal and plenty of good wine.

When another two volunteers arrived for dinner with plans for some Sunday plantings, we could have disappointed them (having planted all the trees), but we decided to help our neighbors (also volunteers) to plant another 50 trees on their property – So on Sunday morning we all mucked in and helped finish the neighbors trees in about an hour and then spent more time than that, chin wagging over a nice coffee.

All in all a very enjoyable and productive weekend.

Special thanks goes to all the volunteers but especially Nick who prepared the soil (Ripping) collected the tress and planed the plantings with Felicity from the Catchment Management Authority.

Yes we hope to have another 400 trees planted in March and I will let you know with allot more notice next time.

Regards Tony

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